Both the treadmill and the treadclimber are immensely popular, with the latter offering more benefits. In this article, we compare the many ways in which the two cardio machines differ. This includes their working, the calories they burn, and the differences in their cost and maintenance.
What is a TreadClimber?
A treadclimber is a hybrid cardio machine that combines the benefits of a stair stepper, an elliptical, and a traditional treadmill. It is good for losing weight, and with regular use, you can improve your cholesterol levels, tone your muscles, lower your blood pressure, and decrease your chances of heart disease. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but you can easily get the hang of using it.
TreadClimber vs Treadmill – Main Technical Difference
Treadmills and treadclimbers differ in terms of their appearance and working. A traditional treadmill comes with a single belt, whereas a treadclimber comes with two individual belts called treadles. This makes the treadclimber work as a stair climber, a treadmill, and an elliptical, thus maximizing the benefits you get from your workout.

Treadmill vs Treadclimber
What Burns More Calories: Treadclimber vs Treadmill?
A treadclimber puts your body’s largest muscle groups to work – the same muscles as the treadmill – and hence helps you in more calorie burning, energy expenditure, and weight loss. As an aerobic exercise, it also ensures an increased heart rate and burns 50% more calories compared to using a conventional treadmill at the same speed in the same amount of time. However, as the maximum speed is lower, you can simply walk at a slower pace.
A treadclimber also stimulates walking uphill, helping you in muscle building and ensuring that you more calorie burn in the long run.
Can I Turn A Treadclimber Into A Treadmill?
Some treadclimbers have a treadmill mode. A treadclimber is also not designed for running; rather, it is designed to provide you a complete and effective workout in less time. In most models, you cannot lock the treadles and turn the machine into a treadmill. Doing so would reduce the effectiveness of the machine and your workout.
Is The TreadClimber Good For Bad Knees?
Many people don’t use treadmills because their knees are bad and cannot bear the pain; however, with a treadclimber, that won’t be an issue.
Contrary to what people believe, treadclimbers actually provide more relief to your knees than most other fitness equipment in the market. During movement, the machine rises to meet your feet as you walk.
Since it rises to meet your feet’s height, your knees don’t undergo a lot of impact and are relatively soothed. This makes the treadclimber great for people with bad knees. Getting used to a treadclimber may be difficult, but its benefits will make you fall in love with it in no time.
However, it is important to remember that using a treadclimber can be a strenuous activity and people with arthritis should consult their doctors before they hop on it.
How Heavy Is A Treadmill And A TreadClimber?
The weight of the exercise equipment not only influences its durability and strength, but also determines its transport and maintenance costs.
Compared to most other machines, treadmills are relatively lightweight. A manual model weighs around 27 kgs or 60 pounds, whereas a motorized treadmill weighs around 95 kgs or 210 pounds. On the other hand, a treadclimber weighs anywhere between 163 and 185 pounds, making it the heavier of the two.
Weight is an important factor to consider, especially when you are a tenant and have to change houses on a regular basis. Moreover, in case of a short circuit or an incompatible switch, transporting a very heavy machine may require you to loosen up your purse strings. So make sure you keep ease of usage and compatibility in mind before you make a final decision.
Cost And Maintenance
A good treadmill, especially high quality ones, is expensive and requires you to invest at least $1000. A good-quality model at this price comes with a good warranty and lasts for longer. On the other hand, cheaper models are low quality, lead to high static energy, and require more maintenance.
Tread climbers are relatively more expensive and rightfully so because they combine the characteristics and benefits of three machines. On average, a treadclimber costs around $2000- $3000.
Treadmills produce a lot of static energy and require regular maintenance and care. You have to not only clean the belt and the surrounding area but also check for the ideal motor conditions and repair some parts after a year or two. You also need to lubricate the belt and motor every 3 months. If you care for your standard treadmill, it can easily last more than 10 years.
But the maintenance of a regular treadmill doesn’t come anywhere near to that of a treadclimber. Most treadclimbers come with a warranty of only 90 days. Since they come with 2 separate decks that move up and down, they require more care and proper maintenance. You will have to lubricate both of these decks after 2 months or so.
Conclusion – Is A Treadclimber Better Than A Treadmill?
Treadclimbers are the new trend, and people often choose them because they look more fashionable, burn more calories, and help tone your muscles. However, treadclimbers are also complex machines that require more care and maintenance and cost you quite a lot of bucks.